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the food allergy app—

from Allergy Force

Many great features are FREE!

Features List

Smart tools for your food allergic life

Allergy Force's food allergy app gives you access to 'smart' tools for managing food allergies, every day and in emergencies. These tools help you make informed decisions about food choices and easily communicate your allergies to others. They can also guide you through an allergic reaction — getting help and managing the reaction correctly. The app is peace of mind in your pocket. FREE and Premium subscriptions available.


icon of mobile phone with 911 in chat bubble illustrates the allergy force food allergy app-s 911 calling feature

911 Calling

Reach 911 asap in an emergency.


Icon of hospital represents the allergy force food allergy app hospital finder feature for premium users. Links to Premium Details page.

Hospital Finder*



Find the nearest ER. ASAP! Call or get directions from your current location.


Reaction Response Guide

Know what to do for an allergic reaction. Customize with your own doctor's instructions.


Emergency Contacts

Reach emergency contacts in a hurry. Plus send a map of your location.

Icon of pharmacist mortar and pestle represents the allergy force food allergy app pharmacy finder feature for premium users. Links to Premium Details page.

Pharmacy Finder*



Find the closest Pharmacies.  Call or get directions from your current location.


Reaction Diary & History

Log reactions and have your entire history—including a photo for your next allergist visit.


icon of daisy is symbolic of the allergy force food allergy app-s capacity to simultaneously manage up to twenty four different allergies

Select Your Allergies

Stay on top of up to 24 food allergies—12 common and 12 unique to you.

Icon of eye with diagonal line across it depicts hidden allergen lists accessible to premium users from the allergy force food allergy app. Links to Premium Details page.

Hidden Allergen Lists*



Find the uncommon names for the common allergens--no more ingredient surprises!

Icon of hand holding a heart that depicts special content and deals for premium users of the allergy force food allergy app. Links to Premium Details page.

Content and special deals just for you!


Food Scan*



Banish unsafe foods from your shopping cart with a quick barcode scan. 


Recipe Search*



Find recipes tailored to your food allergy needs so can dine in creatively.



Ad-free Forever*



No ads to distract you when you use the app.

Icon of magnifying glass represents the allergy force food allergy app-s food search feature for premium users. Links to Premium Details page.

Food Search*



Search by food category, brand or exact label.  Quickly ID unsafe foods.


Food Prep Guide*



A step-by-step guide for people who will prepare your food. Email or print to share. 

icon of young family of three with heart over their heads illustrates the allergy force food allergy app-s family sharing feature

Family Sharing

Share the app with up to 5 family members (6 total).  Keep your village safe!



Epi Injector Reminder



Set custom phone reminders to  remember your Epi Injector.


icon of old fashioned newspaper with word NEWS at top illustrates the allergy force food allergy app-s continuous feed of food recall and contamination alerts from trusted sources


FDA & KFA News Feeds



Be the 1st to know about food recalls and contamination alerts from the FDA & KFA






Share with and learn from others because you’re not alone. You’re in good company.



Restaurant Allergy Explanation Card


Alert restaurants to your allergies by email, text & print. It's a digital chef card in 21 languages!



Epi Injector Expiration Reminders


Receive reminders for up to 8 expiring auto injectors—you can replace them before they expire.

icon of plant growing in lightbulb represents insights provided by the original content created and shared by allergy force





Content that helps you live free with food allergies with confidence and peace of mind.



Friends & Family Explanation


Easily and consistently explain your allergies to friends & family.  Share by email or print.



Antihistamine Expiration Reminders


Receive reminders about your expiring Antihistamine so you can replace it before it expires. 

the private healthcare award the allergy force food allergy app won for being the most empowering allergic living application in 2022

"The app is fantastic! So many options. Nice to be able to have it personally tailored to your allergies."
—Jen H, Adult with Food Allergies, Canada

(Get for FREE or go Premium for just $1.99 per month or $19.99 per year)

two laughing friends sit next to white wall living free and confidently with their food allergies

Get the food allergy app!

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