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Best of 2022: Allergy-Friendly Halloween Resources

Superheroes, princesses, and goblins race around the neighborhood after dark, leaves crunch underfoot, jack-o-lanterns glow, and shrieks of laughter pierce the night. The hunt is on for treats. It's pure joy, the stuff great childhood memories are made from.

Except that...

For families managing food allergies, keeping the food allergy worries at bay and the joy in the holiday requires approaching it with eyes wide open.


We've been busily bookmarking food allergy-focused Halloween resources — hitting our inboxes and flying across social media — that we think could be helpful for your Halloween planning. Below, find a curated list of some of the best {most practical! most fun!} resources** we've seen for Halloween 2022:

  • from food allergy-specific advice & guidance,

  • to treats — both food and non-food — to make the holiday inclusive,

  • to spooky crafts and activities to make magical, mystical memories.

(In case you missed them!)

Allergy Safe Tips for Trick or Treating

If you remember nothing else, being on overload at this busy time, remember this. Keep your epinephrine within reach at all times. Carry TWO. Epi First, Epi Fast if you suspect a food allergy reaction. Time is of the essence.

Here is guidance that can help you keep your loved ones safe this Halloween:

Resources You Can Download & Share

Resources You Can Browse

Ideas for Non-Food Treats

There are great non-food treats that are smile bringers for this season of sugar overload. These lists below will give you some inspiration as you head to the store to stock up. Dollar stores are great sources of low cost non-food treats to share. It's not too late to make a Dollar store run.

  • Don't miss this inspired list from The Food Allergy Mom — a blog by moms for moms with littles

  • Don't miss FAACT's Pinterest with a ton of fun non-food & craft Ideas as you scroll through

Ideas for Allergy-friendly Sweet Treats

If you only remember one thing, remember that mini versions of your favorite candies are not always manufactured the same as the full size versions — they may be made on shared equipment, or processed in a different facility that might process foods containing your allergens. Just because you've safely eaten the full sized version of a particular candy, does not mean the mini version is equally safe to consume. Never assume. Do your homework.

  • FARE provides a short & sweet summary of candy facts on where allergens can hide in candy

  • Allergic Living offers a carefully researched list of allergy-friendly candies for Halloween

  • Spokin offers multiple candy guides — nut-free, dairy-free, gluten-free — with information provided about the manufacturing facilities and presence other allergens

Halloween Party & Activity Ideas

You can pick and choose what's right for your family, and it's perfectly ok to march to a different drummer on Halloween. Here's some inspiration for serving up Halloween fun, your way:

Halloween Baking Inspiration

With Halloween on a Monday this year, you have an entire weekend to get creative in the kitchen, baking with the kids. Here are allergy-friendly recipes that will be as fun to eat, as they are to make. Note: baking together is a perfect opportunity to practice label reading skills as a family!

  • No-bake Mummy Cookies from Go Dairy Free that are super simple to assemble and Top-9-Free

  • Frankenstein Rice Krispy Treats from food allergy mom & content creator, Allergy Awesomeness

  • No-cook 'Bones & Stones' from one of our favorite allergy and celiac savvy chefs, Allergy Dragon 

  • Ghost Cupcakes from Strength & Sunshine, a gluten free & allergy-friendly recipe innovator & author

  • Mummy Pops that are sure to delight from Allergic Living


We hope you find this curated list of Halloween resources helpful. It puts the best of the best Halloween advice, guidance and creative inspiration we've discovered right at your fingertips!

Wishing you safe, spooky fun this Halloween!


Allergy Force is committed to helping people with food allergies live freely — with less fear, less anxiety, more confidence — through technology and education. The Allergy Force food allergy app is peace of mind in your pocket.

Get the food allergy app for Apple OR Android

Image: Courtesy of MBR Imaging and Wix Media




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