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the food allergy app—

from Allergy Force

Writer's pictureAllergy Force Insights

Happy Holidays 2023 from The Allergy Force Team

Gnome in red stocking cap skis down snowy slope on wooden skis. Text says 'happy holidays.' Image by Susanne Jutzeler on Pexels.

Wishing you and yours holidays that are filled with peace, joy, family, and friends!

—The Allergy Force Team

holly with green leaves and red berries and sprigs of pine


Allergy Force is committed to helping people with food allergies live freely — with less fear, less anxiety, more confidence — through technology and education. The Allergy Force food allergy app is peace of mind in your pocket, especially for the holidays.

Get the food allergy app for Apple OR Android

Images: Susanne Jutzeler on Pexels and Allergy Force Canva Creations


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